Rajshekar’s Residence

Location | Bangalore, India
Completed |
Area |
3190 sq. ft.
Role |
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Photographer | Dipika Sapre

Light Filled Urban Abode

The project was the residence for a family of six, on a 30’x40’ site in South Bangalore. Located in a densely packed urban neighbourhood, the design evolved from the simple brief to accomodate a spacious floor plan that was flooded with natural light in the limited area.


The decision was made to build the house up vertically, allowing for larger rooms and open spaces. A light well adjacent to the stairwell with long windows on each level and a skylight above flood the rooms with soft day light. Slit openings have been introduced in the rooms adjoining the light well to allow for natural light to enter from the core of the structure. 

Large double height glazing along the eastern side, which is the front of the building brings in bright daylight into the living and family areas. Contrasting materials, articulated using clean lines create a minimal and contemporary look. Natural materials such as brick and wood have been used as accents through the interiors, adding a special character to the building.

A brick wall wraps the side of the building toward the South, acting as a climatic buffer while visually adding a layer of warmth to the aesthetic of the house.


RBD Show Villa